Patrick Kennedy 66/156: 78/222: 767/936
Patrick Lamark
Hawkins 84/219:132/321:1463/1314
Paul Walker 39/12
Peter Tosh 45/126: 45/117: 498/756
Philip Seymour
Hoffman 114/249: 93/291:1126/1494
Pope Francis 59/122: 58/175: 4
This is a Gematria database of various People with their full names listed out in alphabetical order with their sums. Click on any number to see the matching sums of other words. Click on any word to see the breakdown with each cipher used to get the sums of that full name.
Would you check on Payne Stewart, one of the people of six who died in an airplane "accident" on October 25, 1999. He was a famous golfer. As you may recall, they were flying in a Lear Jet from Orlando, Florida to Dallas, Texas when everything went silent and the air force scrambled some fighter jets after it. It finally crashed in South Dakota. What's interesting is that his last name has a Gematria of 47 (RR) and the call letters of the plane were "N47BA". His birthday was January 30, 1957. Also, might there be a link to 911 relating to the fighter jet scramble? There is one video in particular that looks "fishy" in that the tail call numbers are obscure of a photograph that was taken the same day before takeoff. The photograph is at the very end of this video: